Timing: Allow 120 minutes for this activity
Part 1
Read and make notes on the first section of the article ‘What is HRD? A definitional review and synthesis of the HRD domain’ by Hamlin and Stewart (2011), which is also available in your printed Reader. You should read from the beginning of the article, stopping before the heading Research aims and questions. When you have finished reading, makes notes in response to these questions:
Why do the authors think it is important to answer the question ‘what is HRD?’
What difficulties do they identify in doing so?
Part 2
Return to the article ‘What is HRD? A definitional review and synthesis of the HRD domain’ (online or in your printed Reader). Turn to the section headed Overview of the selected HRD conceptualisations and definitions and read through the range of HRD definitions provided there. You do not need to read the rest of this section.
Do any of these definitions seem to you to describe the learning and development of the HRD function in your own organisation or an organisation you know well?
There is no feedback for Part 2.