Week 1: 1st - 7th May (Tutorial: Tuesday 4th May - 19:00 Hrs)
This module is formed of eight units, of which this is the first.
Figure 1.1 shows you how this module is structured.
This is an interactive diagram so if you click on each unit you will find a description of its content. Note that all units – except Units 1 and 8 – are two or three weeks long and that each week of study will take 12–13 hours.
You will also see on the diagram when assessments will be due and when tutorials will be held.
You will find more details of the module content and the assessments you will be asked to complete in the Module Guide and the Assessment Guide respectively.
The Module Guide is available in the Study resources section of the module website, and the Assessment Guide is in Assessment resources.
If you have not yet read these documents you should find time in this first week of study to locate them and familiarise yourself with them.