Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) 01:

B867 Assessment Guide: 

Key points about the assignment:  

TMA 01 - 25% - Week 8 -  Noon: (Wednesday23rd June 2021 B867 Study planner 

The word limit is 2,500 words and the TMA is made up of two parts.

Note the different marks allocated to each part of the TMA. With respect to the word limit it is expected that Part A should be allocated approximately 70% of the available word count (that is approximately 1750 words) and Part B should be allocated approximately 30% of the available word count (that is approximately 750 words).

The purposes of this first assignment are to:

  • help you review your learning from: 
Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Human resource development in theory and practice ,

Unit 3: Strategic approaches to HRD 

  • assess your understanding of the processes of formulating strategies for managing learning and development within the organisation
  • begin to explore the theoretical application of theory to practice (TMA 01 Part B).

TMA 01 gives you the opportunity to:

  • draw on knowledge of relevant theories, concepts and debates about strategic approaches to HRD
  • consider how these theories, concepts and debates can help you to understand and evaluate your experience in the workplace
  • use the module materials in Units 1–3, along with electronic library resources, to search for literature and ideas and assess them for relevance.


TMA 01 question

This piece of assessment is made up of two parts. Read them carefully and complete both parts.

Part A

Drawing on the materials you have studied so far in this module, outline the arguments you would use to persuade senior managers that HRD should be a key consideration in formulating the organisation’s strategy.

Neoliberal - Collins (2007, p287): Favouring policies that promote free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.

Neoliberalism reduces the civic-inspired notion of educational leadership, ‘as it represents a kind of market fundamentalism based on the untrammeled pursuit of self-interest’ (Giroux, 2002, p. 15). c (p289)

Collins, Christopher (2007): A General Agreement on Higher Education: GATS, globalization, and imperialism. Research in Comparative and International Education. Volume 2, Number 4, 2007. [Online] Available at URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.2304/rcie.2007.2.4.283 [Last access: June 2021]  

Kelsey (2003) highlights the concern that the ethos of progressive liberalization will steer education toward ends that are not yet foreseeable. Collins (2007, p285) ..............  Countries that have and will commit their education services to GATS are subject to legally binding regulations and complex arrangements.

Potential outcomes of GATS show a significant displacement of higher education as it is now. If a country commits to GATS, it would require that ‘foreign education service providers be guaranteed the right of access and operation, including the right to invest, to be given degree-granting authority, to be eligible for government grants for their own operations or for their students, or to send in their own labour’ (Robertson, Bonal, & Dale, 2002, p. 488).

it cannot be overlooked that these conditions may allow the private sector to challenge public delivery of higher education with having an unfair advantage through subsidy. 

The public delivery advantage has the potential to establish GATS a new set of global rules for governing higher education.

Commodification is the transformation of a service, like higher education, into a product that is bought and sold. Slaughter and Rhodes’ (2004) theory, academic capitalism, describes the phenomena of market-driven pressures that transform education from operating for the public good to operating within a competitive industry. p288

(70 marks) {1750 words}

Part B

Choose one example of a HRD intervention in an organisation known to you. Drawing on the ideas, theories and concepts you have studied so far in this module, critically evaluate its contribution to the organisation’s success.

(30 marks) {750 words}

Any intervention designed to enhance the capabilities of employees and contribute to overall organizational growth can be called as HRD intervention. 

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TMA 01 guidance

This assignment can be written in an essay or report style.

You should:

  • answer both parts of the question
  • draw on specific examples from at least one organisation to answer the questions effectively
  • make sure you choose theoretical models and show your understanding of them by using them to answer the questions asked
  • show how any ideas or theories apply to your own practice and organisation and/or other organisations and/or national contexts
  • use recent research in your answer, as appropriate
  • reference correctly.

Please note that:

  • You can use diagrams, graphs and figures which will not be counted in the word length. However, you should not attempt to sidestep the word length – for example, by excessive use of diagram labels or hyphenation. The reference list is also to be excluded from the word count.
  • In-text references and the content of tables are to be included in the word length.

You can find further guidance on all these areas in the MSc (HRM) Qualification handbook.